Happy Birthday Babysteals!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Posted by Brooke Moxley at 7:27 AM 0 comments
If you haven't checked them out, its the coolest place for moms to get great things (at a great price!!) for their babies :) Today is their 2nd birthday! Go see them! They have a new steal on everyday at 9am MST (11 am our time).
New Arrival!
Monday, April 26, 2010 Posted by Brooke Moxley at 10:25 AM 0 comments
I had the opportunity to take little Dylan's newborn photos the other day and he is ADORABLE! I actually did his moms maternity session the day I went into labor. I texted her on my way to the hospital letting her know her photos might be a little delayed getting back to her! Thankfully she was VERY understanding. 

Here is just a few shots from the day.

I'm back!!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Posted by Brooke Moxley at 9:36 AM 0 comments
... did you miss me? LOL.

I have officially started back doing sessions! Please email me to get your session
booked! With this being the middle of wedding season I am super booked (I have 7 weddings in 2 months!!) and quite a few of them are in NC which means I will be out of town ALOT!
Also, I have moved! We have moved out of Hinesville and out (way out) to Midway. This does nothing to affect my Hinesville clients BUT it does open up a lot more places to do sessions. I am willing to go anywhere in the Hinesville/Midway/Richmond Hill area so let me know if your interested in an area out this way! I have a few in mind, one even including an AMAZING place right through the woods here, you'll have to see it to believe it! BUT if you know of an area that would be good I'm offering $15 off a regular session or $30 off a pre-ordered cd w/ print release session for the people who are first to book in new areas. I'll also combine these with specials (except for deployment specials since I'm making nothing off them!) so book yours fast!
I am starting my facebook fan page back. Make sure to add me as a friend and refer your friends to me. There will be contests and specials exclusively for facebook fans in the near future! Just type in Brooke Moxley and you'll see the one with my logo on it :o)
Now, lets get to specials. I figured since I will be super busy the next few months we can do a Earth Day/Mothers Day/Fathers Day/Early Summer special. - All of these will run until the end of June. Keep an eye out, I may be adding more!
Earth Day -
Earth day is all about treating the world better.
We need to cut down as much as we can on things that we put in landfills. In honor of Earth Day I am doing a cloth diaper special! Do you cloth diaper? (I DO!) If so you can get a free 8x10 & 2 5x7's (a $16.00 value!) with any regular session booked. Make sure to have a few cute outfits to show off those fluffy butts! :o)
Mothers Day -
Show you mom how much you care! This is a perfect time to get those updated photos with your mom. Or, are you the mom? Then get a session to update those photos of you with your kids (husbands are welcome too!)! With as many husbands that are deployed right now this is a great gift to send them! They never get tired of receiving photos of you and the kids! Book now and receive 6 free 4x6's with your regular session. Even better though. If you husband is deployed you will get duplicates of the 6 for you to send to him!
Fathers Day -
Pretty much exactly the same as the Mothers Day special... but for Fathers! :o) This will also be for 6 free 4x6's with any regular session, and duplicates if you wife is deployed!
Early Summer Special -
Early summer is a great time to get new family sessions done. Its not cold, but its not horribly hot outside like it is in the later summer months. Get a session done at the beach and get a cd with all your photos are print release for only $100 with your paid beach session fee! (thats $50 off!) I am willing to go Tybee or Jekyll, whichever is better for you.
For all my NC people:
Book a session while I'm there and get a 1 hr session w/ print release for only $100 ($75 off!). I'll be in the Chatham Co area the 1st & 3rd week of May and I'll be in the Yadkin Co area for 2 weeks at the end of May-Early June
Here is a glimpse at what I've been doing lately!

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